This morning I read that the temperature dropped 10 degrees Centigrade this week, the lowest for this time of year since 1948. It is noticeably cooler but being a native Michigander, I find cool, sunny days and cool nights refreshing. I definitely sleep better.
So this morning as I sit at my desk looking over the terrasse and towards the Pyrenées, I see that for the first time since Spring they are snow-covered. Winter will soon be here.
I head to the US Sunday for two weeks to see family and for my 50th high school reunion from Detroit Catholic Central. I understand I will miss what is probably the best month of the year here in terms of weather, but c’est la vie. I am looking forward to seeing my mother who has not been doing well in the past few months. Last week when we spoke she said “I guess this part of my life is going to be very hard.” How sad. But the reunion with family and friends will be fun.
Today’s mail included my Carte Vitale! I am now fully engaged in the French health care system. It is a big relief.